Transcript of Records

The transcript of records is based on the respective programme regulations and is sub-?divided into categories.

For each category, the transcript of records shows the study achievements so far as decreed by the Study Administration, with the corresponding credits (Obt.), the minimum credits required in accordance with the regulations to receive the degree certificate or the doctoral degree certificate (Req.) and, in red, any difference between the obtained and requested credits (the pending credit points per category).

The transcript of records printed from myStudies using the Print function is not an official document. An official transcript of records from ETH Zurich (e.g. for job applications) can be ordered online at the Webshop.

The transcript of records does not exist for auditors.

The Study Administration can be contacted to clarify any questions.

If more credits have been aquired than the required number in a specific category, the surplus credits are calculated in the corresponding category and not as the difference from the total, as these additional credits are not relevant for decreeing the (final) academic record.

These credits are, however, recognised in the overall sum of credit points because the respective study achievements can be moved to other categories.

If there are additional credits in a category existing, the category can be removed for individual academic achievements. They are then moved to the addendum ("Study achievements in the addendum"). They may possibly be recognised towards another degree programme at ETH.

According to the Course Catalogue such study achievements do not belong to any category of the corresponding degree programme. They do not count towards the grade point average and may be credited towards another degree programme.

Study achievements from categories with additional credits can be moved to No Category using the Assign category function.

The Study Administration can be contacted to clarify any questions.

With the function Assign to category study achivements can be assigned to other categories or transferred from other ETH degree programmes.

Categories are listed which are provided in the corresponding degree programme. Study achievements from other degree programmes that are not (yet) listed in a final academic record can also be imported here.

In the case of a change of university or degree programme, additional performance assessments are usually required in order to acquire the necessary background knowledge. These are referred to as additional requirements and are listed in the admission decree.

The corresponding study achievements, and if applicable the number of credits required are displayed in the “Additional requirements” section. However, credits and grades from additional requirements do not count towards the current degree programme.

Performance assessments listed under Additional requirements in the transcript of records cannot be moved to another category of the degree programme in myStudies. They are therefore not displayed in the Assign category function. If such performance assessments are nevertheless be moved to another category, the Study Administration must be contacted.

Notice: Such performance assessments must be registered under “Additional requirements” when registering for the examination. The Examinations Office can be contacted directly to clarify any questions.

Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows the transcript of records. The additional requirements are outlined in violet.
Additional requirements in the transcript of records

Course units completed during an exchange are recorded by the Study Administration as exchange subjects. They then appear on the study overview and transcript of records, and on the final academic record.

Note: Exchange subjects do not appear on the Diploma Supplement.

Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows the transcript of records with study achievements that were completed during an exchange.
Exchange subjects in the transcript of records

The transcript of records from the previous degree programme is displayed until the enrolment for the new degree programme takes place. After enrolment the transcript of records of the new degree programme is displayed.

The transcript of records of the previous degree programme can be retrieved in the drop-down menu under Regulations.

The following change of degree programme occur:

  • Drop out of the degree programme and start a new degree programme at ETH Zurich:
    If previous study achievements with exemption were already recognised, the obtained credits in the transcript of records will be reduced in certain categories. In addition, the line “Credits recognised from previous studies” with the corresponding credits will appear at the bottom of the transcript of records.
  • Change to a degree programme without a first year of studies (e.g. Computational Science and Engineering).
  • Entry into force of revised programme regulations or a change to another programme regulation
Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows the transcript of records. The drop-down menu “Regulations” is outlined in violet.
Change of degree programme in the transcript of records

In the case of a change of degree programme, academic achievements can be recognised as follows in the new programme regulations:

  1. The study achievements can be imported in the new study regulation in myStudies according to the Course Catalogue.
  2. Previous study achievements will be recognised in the new programme regulations in consultation with Student Services. Then, credits are exempted (so-called exemptions) in certain categories. This means that fewer credit points must be obtained in these categories than required in the programme regulations (Req.). They are deducted from the required value of each category. The category is also labelled "(reduced)".

Credits that have been exempted are listed at the bottom of the transcript of records under "Credits recognised from previous studies".

Enlarged view: A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows an excerpt from the transcript of records. The following areas are outlined in violet: "Basic Courses I (reduced)", "First Year Examinations (reduced)", "First Year Additional Studies (reduced)".
Exemptions in the transcript of records
A screenshot from myStudies is shown. The screenshot shows an excerpt from the transcript of records. “Credits recognised from previous studies: 43” is outlined in violet.
Credits recognised from previous studies in the transcript of records

If study achievements are missing from the transcript of records, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • The examination results have not yet been decreed by the Study Administration, i.e. not yet formally communicated. Results from the first-??year examinations are delivered in writing. As soon as study achievements from other examination levels (Bachelor's, Master's, MAS) are available, these will be communicated by the Study Administration by e-?mail. Only then the results and any credited credit points will be displayed on the transcript of records.
  • The degree programme was changed, and the study achievements up to now were recognised in the earlier degree programme (see Assign category).
  • New programme regulations came into force and replaced the old ones (see Assign category).
  • The pending study achievements were administered and recognised in another degree programme (e.g. during simultaneous Bachelor’s and Master’s matriculation). They will be visible in the transcript of records there (see Assign category).

The Study Administration can be contacted to clarify any questions.

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